
My trip to Bighorn Canyon National Park


Devil's Outlook

Devil’s Outlook

I went to Bighorn Canyon National Park in Wyoming with my family on September 26th. The cliffs are 1,000 feet high and Bighorn River flows through it. Did you know Delaware could fit in this national park?

Big Horn Canyon 9-26-14_0181

Lucas and Pronghorn Antelope buddy at Horseshoe Bend.

We ate lunch overlooking the river at Horseshoe Bend. While there, we saw a big fish swimming in the water. A Black-billed Magpie also landed on a fence close to us.

Then we crossed over the border into Montana. We went to Devil’s Overlook to look into the canyon and saw people fishing in the river. They looked really small. While we were exploring the park we saw a rabbit and wild Mustangs (horses). We also explored an abandoned ranch.

Medicine Wheel with Native American adornments.

Medicine Wheel with Native American adornments.

Finally, we drove up the western peak of Medicine Mountain in Wyoming, which is also located in the Bighorn range. It was 9,642 feet high. At the top we found the Medicine Wheel, which is a National Historic Landmark that Native Americans use.

A Mustang - wild horse in the park.

A Mustang – wild horse in the park.

P.S. Franklin was not on this trip. A member of his squad, Pronghorn Antelope, came with me this time.

7 thoughts on “My trip to Bighorn Canyon National Park

  1. What was the Medicine Wheel like? How do Native Americans use it? Awesome to read your adventures, Lucas! Please keep writing!


  2. Lucas, you are seeing such amazing sites on your trip. What has been your favorite and why?


    • Dear Grammy- This question was really hard because I have liked so many things. Her are some of the thing that I have done Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone, and Grand Tetons.


  3. I like how Franklin has a squad. He seems like he is really busy on this trip. Good to know others are watching out for him.


  4. Dear Uncle Ben- I cant wait for you to come to California and camp in the state park with us. It will be really fun.


  5. Pingback: Recap of Days 20-42 – The “We Miss Home” Phase | Family Travel Stories

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