
Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum in Seattle, Washington


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Chihuly’s Glass Forest

On October 19th my family and I went to Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum in Seattle, Washington. The glass statues were really amazing. Some of my favorites were Glass Forest, Glass House, and Chandeliers.

The Glass Forest was like an illusion because of how they made it.

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Glasshouse with Seattle Space Needle in background.

Glasshouse was like giant leaves falling on you like you were an ant (see Space Needle in background).


“Bad hair day” Chandeliers

Chandeliers were big glass statues hanging in the air, and they reminded me of a bad hair day.


Sealife Room

One of the biggest statues was blue and had tons of sea animals on it. The Glass Museum was really cool.

Later, we went out to the Glass Garden where all of the statues were lit up. From the garden you had a good view of the Space Needle. Check out Travel Reviews by Jacob for more information about the Space Needle.

4 thoughts on “Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum in Seattle, Washington

  1. Very nice descriptions of the glass sculptures. My favorite was the boat. What was your thought on the all black surroundings creating the reflections of the lighted glass?


  2. What was your favorite sculpture?


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